OEP-23: Style Customization#




Style Customization

Last Modified



Ari Rizzitano <arizzitano@edx.org>


Bill Filler <bfiller@edx.org>







Review Period



The Open edX community relies on the capability to customize the Open edX platform’s user interface. Providers, maintainers, and select members of the edX core contributor team all customize the appearance of Open edX instances to meet customer needs.

Over the Open edX platform’s lifetime, core contributors and community members have designed and built several systems to enable interface customization. Microsites theming [1], Stanford theming [2], and comprehensive theming [3][4] allow maintainers to modify both look-and-feel and interface content by overriding source files. The edX Pattern Library [5] strove to simplify the theming process by enabling stylistic overrides in a single place with mixed results [6]. Most recently, an official move to Bootstrap styling has promised [7] theming simplification, but with low adoption, the initiative has not moved forward as quickly as hoped. The platform contains partial support for all these theming systems, but none is guaranteed to work consistently across the entire user interface.

None of the Open edX platform’s theming systems are officially supported or versioned. Existing theming systems attempt to cover two broad and orthogonal use cases: customizing look-and-feel (“style customization”) and modifying, adding, or removing interface elements themselves (“content overrides”). While community members rely heavily on style customization, most of the core team (with the notable exception of the White Label team) does not. Domain knowledge is sparse and siloed and documentation is poorly maintained.

Without an officially supported API, core contributors are largely unaware of what they can and cannot change. Fear of breaking existing theming systems paralyzes the core team’s ability to make crucial evolutionary changes to the platform’s frontend. Because existing theming systems rely so heavily on legacy Python template rendering, the platform frontend has been unable to evolve towards a modern, developer-friendly, client-rendered architecture, frustrating core contributors and community members alike.

Ironically, this same lack of awareness means undocumented breaking changes to theming source files still occur with every release. Without an official API, the Open edX community has no easy way to keep up with breaking changes to templates and source files, leading to widespread bugs and frustration. Many community members have abandoned Open edX’s frontend entirely in favor of building their own, indicating an absolute failure of existing theming systems for their use cases.


To guarantee continued core contributor support and full transparency to the open source community, the Open edX platform must introduce official support for both style customization and content overrides and deprecate legacy, poorly-supported systems.

Given that style customization and content overrides address separate end-user concerns and separate areas of the codebase (SASS vs. JS/HTML), they will henceforth be handled by separate systems and separate APIs. This OEP outlines proposed support for a style customization system. Content overrides will be supported as well, but will be addressed in a separate OEP. No existing theming systems will be deprecated until equivalent support exists for both style customization and content overrides.

Official support for style customization requires a more limited scope than has been allowed by prior theming systems. However, isolating customization mechanisms to a single system reduces cognitive load for both platform contributors and maintainers, facilitates communication of breaking changes, and enables bolder architectural innovation.


  1. The Open edX core team will officially support a style customization system that

    enables contributors to easily customize look-and-feel and branding elements across user-facing components of all Open edX applications.

  2. This style customization system will surface an API defining which

    elements can be modified and how. As outlined in OEP-16 [7], this API will be based on the Bootstrap framework.

  3. As consumers of the new style customization API, the core contributor team will

    make every reasonable effort to keep breaking changes to an absolute minimum. If breaking changes must occur, the core contributor team will enumerate them with every named release of the Open edX platform.

  4. The core contributor team will provide official documentation,

    examples, and tools to help other core contributors and open source community members develop themes.

  5. Content overrides will not be supported within the scope of the style

    customization system, but will be supported in its own separate system. This system will be defined in its own separate follow-on OEP.


  1. API definition for the new style customization system will be proposed,

    agreed upon, and documented.

  2. The core contributor team will develop an example theme compliant

    with the new system and use it to build support into the platform. Existing work [8] on such a theme already exists in the edx-bootstrap repository.

  3. Open edX core and community contributors will build scaffolding to

    support the new style customization system throughout the Open edX platform. This scaffolding will be implemented in as unobtrusive a means as possible with all attempts made not to interfere with existing theming systems.

  4. Once scaffolding is complete, the core contributor team will announce

    a beta release of the new style customization system with the closest named release of the Open edX platform.

  5. Throughout the lifecycle of the aforementioned release, the core

    contributor team will solicit feedback and contributions and respond to suggestions from community members willing to try out the new style customization system.

  6. By the next sequential named release of the Open edX platform,

    assuming the new style customization system has delivered value to its beta stakeholders, the core contributor team will announce an official release of the new style customization system.

  7. Removal of legacy theming-related code will begin once all its functionality

    is officially supported via the style customization and content override systems. If style customization is completed before content overrides, legacy theming code related to style customization may be removed first.


  • All existing theming systems will be deprecated and support will

    eventually be removed from the platform.

  • Style customization scope will be restricted to look-and-feel and branding

    element modification. Content overrides must take place outside the scope of style customization.

  • The Open edX platform will gain further ability to evolve its

    frontend architecture.

  • The Open edX platform’s static asset size and build times will be

    greatly reduced.

  • Open edX core contributors must track breaking changes to the style

    customization API with every named release.

  • Documentation for the style customization system must be written and maintained.

  • Open edX community members will benefit from an officially supported,

    well understood style customization system.

  • Open edX core contributors responsible for implementing the API and

    scaffolding for the new style customization system must complete this work within timelines based on named release cycles.


  1. Microsites Theming


  2. Stanford Theming


  3. Comprehensive Theming


  4. Comprehensive Theming


  5. edX Pattern Library edx/ux-pattern-library

  6. Challenges with comprehensive theming in Eucalyptus


  7. OEP-16: Bootstrap Adoption


  8. edx-bootstrap edx theme


Change History#

2022-10-27: Marked this OEP as Replaced since OEP-48 serves as a continuation of this work and has now reached Accepted status.