OEP-50: Hooks extension framework#




Open edX Hooks Extension Framework

Last Modified



Felipe Montoya <felipe.montoya@edunext.co>


Nizar Mahmoud <nizar@opencraft.com>







Review Period

2021-02-04 - 2021-04-30


To sustain the growth of the Open edX ecosystem, the business rules of the platform must be open for extension following the open-closed principle. This OEP specifies a solution using what is commonly referred to as hooking. That is the definition of a stable set of places in the code (hooks) where functions defined via plugins can take place.


Following the open-closed principle, it would be desirable for the open edX project to allow the extension points (great summary of the current options) to modify as much of the code paths that define the business rules of an open edX instance in a way that is consistent and repeatable.

Since the creation of the plugin framework different initiatives in the community have demonstrated success by adopting this pattern. This OEP extends the range of possible extensions that the pattern can hold sustainably.

Adopters of the Open edX technology as a way of delivering online courses very often require that certain changes are made to the codebase by changing the edx-platform core. This proposal aims to be a solution to organize the majority of the changes that the authors have encountered after years of work extending the core in a way that is more compatible with the community at large, it is easier to reuse and far easier to migrate to newer versions of the codebase.

This proposal draws inspiration from the cumulative experience of eduNEXT as the lead author, other members of the community, and from one of the largest extendable platforms for the web today for many years already, WordPress.


The core of this proposed framework is to define a stable list of places, called hooks from now on, in the life cycle of the learners registration, login, enrollment, course usage, and certification. Conversely, the authors life cycle will have a list of hooks during the creation and publication of courses.

According to the expectations of the calling location, hooks can be split into two, namely events and filters. Events run when called at a given location and return nothing. Filters on the other hand are passed data and are expected to return something. This something will be used by the platform code. The most common case is to be passed data and return the same of somewhat changed, but similar data. Other common case would be to receive data and raise an exception in accordance with the definition of the hook. Most likely to completely halt the process that would happen after the hook.

The documentation for the available hooks at any point should be kept in-code at openedx/edx-platform. This location should contain a document that covers the design principles and details that did not land in the OEP as well as the final decisions made in the OEP. Also will index the list of hooks and their current status. It should not cover the history and all the previous states of the framework. It should reflect the latest way of thinking and examples of how to use the framework.

Given the public promise made by the framework, the signature of the functions (input/output) of every hook should be maintained in a stable way. The same applies for additions or removals from the list of public triggers, which should follow a path of deprecation first and preferably be given an optional hook where the same context information or code execution path can be accessed.

Registering more than one function for a hook should be possible. This creates two different interfaces given that filters are expected to return something and the platform should act accordingly. Due to this different nature, the mechanism by which a developer connects to a hook differs from events to filters.

Events will be called via Django signals. There will be a new library that defines a list of semantically meaningful signals based on higher-level events and platform concepts. This library will be imported at the platform code and will, when possible, replace the current signals the platform already emits. Developers that want to use a hook, should also import this library at the plugins where they are writing the functions that connect to the event.

For filters, the possibility of registering more than one function makes some sort of reducing routine for the results necessary. Therefore the proposal is to make them work as a pipeline, so the results of the previously executed function should be made available to the next function. Doing so makes the calling order of its registered functions important and thus it must be respected. This is not supported by Django signals and for this case, the mechanism to register functions will be the Django settings module.

When possible, hooks should be compatible with the Async Event Messaging described in OEP-41. In terms of error handling, the implementation should allow the configuration of silent failures letting operators know the source of the error.


Hooks are a way for one piece of code to interact/modify another piece of code at specific, pre-defined spots. Many of the business rules of an installation can be altered and extended if the right spots are allowed to be extended by open edX plugins. Initially, this proposal is meant as a way for community members to extend the platform, but it could even become a way for the installation at edx.org to implement some of its particular business rules in a way that is sufficiently separated from the Open edX core.

This proposal draws heavy inspiration from WordPress, although it does not copy the concepts verbatim and leaves some space for leveraging the possibilities that Python and Django have to offer. For example, events are great candidates for asynchronous execution in a different process as they are meant to be called with some context data, act on it, and return silently to the trigger location. Developers are encouraged to use the pattern of deferring to async tasks immediately using celery.

Hooks are used within WordPress to support almost all the forms in which it can be extended and are the basis of the very successful marketplace for plugins and themes. Given that Open edX already has a variety of theming capabilities and options we have opted here not to include any hooks that are meant to be used for theming. This proposal deals primarily with the specific spots in the code execution that for many initiatives have been identified as the critical points that would allow them to adopt this technology without requiring modifications to the core.

On the technical side, Django and the support for auto-installed plugins using stevedore already allow the addition of code in a very clean way. This proposal builds on top of this, only trying to standardize and grow the current capabilities of the platform.

Performance Considerations#

This proposal is a double-edged sword. By allowing plugins to install code on so many and so varied places of the application, performance could be hindered.

This is a very important topic, but we believe that any responsible implementation of a hook must keep its own consequences and risks in check. In other words, it is up to the users of the hooks framework to be mindful of the performance of the platform by connecting to the appropriate hooks and optimizing their functions to the appropriate scale their Open edX instance runs at.

Receiving an event signal and immediately registering an async task using celery is a well-known pattern through the code and strongly recommended. Making this a core part of the configurations was removed from the proposal to make the framework less complicated in its implementation.

Also in the core platform code, the actual exposition of each particular hook could be configured (via flags or settings) so that even for big scales, at which the simple lookup for the functions or sending of the signals for a hook could have performance implications, is accounted for.

Django 3.2 has just been released including the capabilities needed to use async patterns in the execution of views via coroutines. The usage of async await would be very beneficial for performance in both events and filters that are I/O heavy. The mechanism for calling filters should be implemented in a way that makes usage of this pattern possible. For the case of events, we expect Django to already implement their signals in the best possible way.

Distributing the business logic into separate repos that are finally run in the same process, might be difficult to debug. The implementation of this proposal should include tools to track performance data as well as a glimpse into the current receivers of an event.

Use Cases#

To further explain the sort of use cases that this proposal makes possible, we propose certain examples made easy by this framework.

  1. Generating a certificate in a third party system

    The Event that fires after a certificate is generated in the platform is the perfect place to call upon a service such as https://www.accredible.com/ or https://www.sertifier.com to generate an external certificate. The same applies to a badge in any badging system.

  2. Making enrollment possible for “premium” users in all courses

    A Filter right before the enrollment could check the user metadata or call an external system to determine if they are in a business tier that allows a paying user to enroll in any course for an online academy. This use case would require the hook called before the enrollment to support halting the process as one of its responses to what the filter returns.

  3. Adding context information for an enterprise customer to a certificate

    When rendering a certificate, a particular template that is stored in the database may require certain information that is only available for users of the particular course the certificate belongs to. This very custom logic can be separated from the core platform repository via a Filter.

Refer to openedx-events-2-zapier and openedx-filters-samples for the implementation of some basic use cases.

Backward Compatibility#

The only current extension point that could be affected by this OEP is the REGISTRATION_EXTENSION_FORM. We suggest that this extension point continues to be supported until it is clear that migrating this to hooks is possible, and the migration path to the corresponding hook is well defined and documented.

Reference Implementation#

The current implementation can be found at:

Rejected Alternatives#

  • Django Signals was initially considered as the primary mechanism to connect both events and filters. It was eventually discarded for the filters part of the framework due to the lack of ordering capabilities required for the reducing of results when multiple functions are registered in a filter.

  • It was considered to split this OEP into two. One handling the hooks that are of the event kind and then a second handling the filter kind. This was however rejected fearing that the proposal could be stuck only after the first iteration and never reach its full potential. Instead, a phased implementation of hooks from both kinds will be pursued.

  • Adding celery directly in the tooling in order to make the calling of async tasks as trivial as a configuration flag was initially considered. This added extra dependencies at several locations and did not resolve the general issue of serializing some complex objects such as requests and Django Users.


This OEP was first discussed and presented to the community via a public google doc. The discussion held there is included into the present proposal.

A thread in the openedx discourse server served as the main feedback loop.

The current documentation for the Hooks Extension Framework can be found at Open edX Guides Hooks section.

Change History#

20 July 2022 - Maria Grimaldi Update OEP-50 with latest documentation.

17 April 2021 - Felipe Montoya Updating based on feedback from the community and edX arch team.

24 March 2021 - Felipe Montoya Adding an official arbiter

04 February 2021 - Felipe Montoya Converted to Draft OEP

28 July 2020 - Felipe Montoya. Initial version made public for the community at the google docs file.